Google Drive is a safe and secure way to work on projects together . Here is how to use it.
First you need a Google gmail email account, You need to use gmail to use Google Drive
2. Now Your new project folder is in your Drive, Click on your project name to create documents in that folder.
3. Then you can create a new sub-folder, document,
spreadsheet, presentation etc in your folder. by clicking on the CREATE
button again
For this example I’m going to make a document (just like a microsoft word doc)
Then a sharing dialogue is available:
You can share a link to the drive location with your friends or
colleagues , share via social media and control the access people have
to modify and work on files and also invite people via email.
Its helpful to check the options (above)
Send a copy to myself, Paste the item itself into the email
Then Drive will let you know who has access and also who is working
on projects. Once you have a shared project. You can all work on the
same project and document at the same time.
Additional Features: Upload Files To DRIVE
is an especially handy feature. Is your attachment too large for your
email? no sweat! Google Drive allows you to upload your files to the
cloud. Great for backing up your data and not as easy to lose as a USB!
Just click on the upload button which is next to CREATE. You can upload
to tour Drive or to your folders. You have a 5GB allowance on the basic
Drive which is free.
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